Friday, July 24, 2020

What will Be The Next Technotlogy Trends For AI and Cloud Computing?

Top Technotlogy Trends For AI and Cloud Computing
 Business and IT are interrelated to a reasonable degree, any business is a technology enterprise. Most companies rely on emerging technology in day-to-day operations. Therefore, to stay competitive on the marketplace, new technologies should be incorporated with business policies and identified as technology a source of business innovation. In response to the pandemic's economic downturn, spending will concentrate on safe and proven technologies. A variety of staff are likely to choose to start operating remotely as a result of the lock-down. This will encourage the growth of remote job optimisation technologies. Let us therefore look more closely at the technological developments in 2020 as they have a huge influence on information technology.
The Internet of Things ( IoT), autonomous vehicles, extended realities, cloud computing, quantum, artificial intelligence as a service (AIaaS – a service for companies who don't or can't build databases themselves and manage their own artificial intelligence systems), digital profiling / consume analytics, customized knowledge are included in many lists of technology developments for this some of the strategic technological trends it even becomes possible to divide into the groups people-centered (Hippometry, multi-experience, democratisation, human increase, transparency and traceability). and the trends of the intelligent spaces (Empowered Edge, Distributed Cloud, Self-support, Practical Blockchain, AI Security).
I chose the trends that most frequently occur in the business and that are likely to shape the technology landscape by 2025.
1. Artificial Intelligence
 The concept Artificial Intelligence ( AI) is not recent and still has greater influence in the world of information technology. AI typically refers to the application of algorithms using vast numbers of data to solve particular tasks in order to generalize and/or to measure other statistical estimates. These algorithms allow a machine, like a human brain, to 'behave.' 77% of customers now use AI technology , new applications emerge every day. In the year 2030, AI Technologies will make a contribution of more than $10.7 billion to the global economy, according to PwC research, one of the leading consultancies.

 In areas as online retail, health, telecommunications, banking , financial advice, insurance, dealerships and government the acceptance of the AI Chatbots by service is growing. Another of the chatbots is automation, which often simplifies work for workers (but does not shorten work as it is often found out). Within the AI trend, integrated AI and machine learning (AIaAS and MLaaS) can be described as sub-trends that include types such as bots and digital help, cognitive computing APIs, machine learning frameworks and machine learning services.
The high costs of AI-based systems will lead to the use of service platforms for creating AI applications. They allow our own data to be fed and algorithms or compute resources to be paid for when using them. Amazon Web Services ( AWS), Azure, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud are well known as AIaaS. Among other providers are AMS. Under the COVID-19, AI will contribute to predicting the needs of customers which are difficult to predict and enable enterprises to manage efficient logistics. under COVID-19. Chatbots will provide 24/7 assistance for customers, one of "must have" during lock-down. The use of machine learning will increase due to the need to improve algorithm moderators and visual materials in social networks (which often block accurate coronavirus information and do not detect fake news)
2. Internet of Things (IOT) 
IoT devices require Internet connectivity beyond computers and smartphones with the possibility of remote control. internet connection. It is equipped with various sensors, embedded systems and usable applications. IoT systems primarily consist of intelligent homes, wearable gadgets, health monitoring and smart city waste management. This technology allows us to predict and treat human health problems even before symptoms. In addition, much more individualized methods for prescribing and applying medicines (also known as precision medicines) are developed.
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There were approximately 26 billion IoT devices and that their numbers will grow to 30.73 billion by 2020 and 75.44 billion by 2025. The market value for a individual in the United States is about $150 trillion with projected 15 IoT devices by 2030.
IoT also fuels cutting edge computing, thus closing the businesses to data storage and calculation, enabling bandwidth and response times to be saved. IoT will profoundly transform your user experience, offering previously un-possible opportunities. The pandemic will cause people to acquire this experience as they spend almost all of their time at home. IoT tools that boost quality of life and comfort in day-to-day life can become fashionable. Tele-medicine and IoT apps will increase their use to help track human health indicators.
Security, lack of international quality standards and potential reduction in the use of manual duties are among the main threats to this trend. IoT allows good control and efficiency at the same time, saves money and time and can provide a better life experience. IoT sensors, analysis of data, traceability and monitor, connected production systems , smart supply chain management, intelligent barcode readers, smart grids, connected health care systems and smart farming are the best examples of IoT-based applications. The following are the best examples.
 3. Cybersecurity
Along with emerging technological advancement and the rise of a variety of apps, there is an growing number of possible cyber threats. The primary objective of cyber attacks is typically to access, alter or kill sensitive information and theft of user money or to avoid normal business processes. Its frequency and complexity continue to increase. Such attacks. Computers, networks and cloud protection is typically supported by firewalls, DNS filtering, malware, antivirus    software,and e-mail security solutions. 
For organizations whose business processes are focused on technology based on data, cybersecurity is a key trend. Security and data security have been paying much more attention since the General Data Protection Regulations of the European Union (GDRP) were signed. Phishing, ransomware, cryptojacking, cyber physical attacks, state-sponsored attacks and IoT attacks are the latest cybersecurity threats. Data failure is the biggest concern for cybersecurity and the black market is still pretty lucrative in the trade in personal information. According to the cybersecurity study ElevenPaths of Telefonica, a global networking firm, 5 G will be linked to cyber threats in 2020, including key technologies such as Ransomware, cloud computing, machine intelligence, phishing attacks, open banking and mobile malware.
Blockchain is one way of providing safety , particularly for IoT devices. Originally this system was introduced to store Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency. Blockchains are distributed networks which are open to millions of users worldwide. The knowledge may only be added or modified, or copied by a cluster of the machine which is not controlled by any single person. Every data is crypto-graphically secured. During 2019, the investments in blockchain continued by FedEx, IBM, Walmart and Mastercard and will likely start showing real-world results encouraging its adoption.
In these days, as thousands are forced to work remotely, private data volumes may become fully vulnerable or at the very least not secured. This emerging problem can give the development of this technology another impetus. In crowdfunding, governance, auditing of the supply channel, stock storage, prediction markets, IoT, neighborship micro grids, and stock trading, cybersecurity may also be applied to the sector.

4. 5G Network
5 G is known as the future of connectivity for the whole of the telecommunications industry and a leading edge. The 5 G networks will be implemented between 2020 and 2030 according to a vision of Huawei Technology , allowing for the likelihood that people will be linked to wired computers. These mobiles can provide us with super fast download and upload speeds (five times faster than 4 G functions) and more reliable connections.

Although 5G mobile data networks were first available in 2019, they were still largely expensive and usable in restricted regions or major towns. This is anticipated that 5 G would have more cost-effective service plans and much greater coverage. And wired networks that operate in our homes and businesses will become more available. The increased bandwidth would allow growth in the IoT and smart machinery sector , allowing large amounts of data to be collected and transmitted. For regions without an Internet service or poor coverage, access to 5 G mobile Internet may be a critical necessity during a pandemic.
Tech patterns are not established independently, you may have noticed, but in a synergical way. The 5 G and edge computing technology will provide the increase of computer power and become a cornerstone for the IoT applications of the next generation. The integration of AI, Big Data , IoT and Edge Computing blockchain technology helps to resolve problems with the online and offline mapping of data. AI and cloud computing will be strengthened by the growth of quantum computing. A combination of AI and IoT will result in artificial intelligence of things (AIoT). This will enable IoT devices to analyse data, make decisions and act on that data without human involvement. This combo may contribute do the development of applications for smart retail, drone traffic monitoring, smart office buildings, fleet management, autonomous driving, and autonomous delivery robots.
In our view, these were the strongest technical developments. However, the coming developments entail implementing tools and human resources, and we will look at them more closely, as we promised at the beginning of the report.

Thank you!

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